Buzz Blooms (LOCAL PRODUCT) 1 lb
From Buzz Cover Crop Seeds in Philomath.
A diverse flower mix designed for beauty and attracting pollinators. (Not a traditional short-rotation cover crop; some perennial species will not bloom until the second year from seed.)
Buzz website description:
"Provide a safe harbor for your pollinators, predators, parasites and parasitoids with this eye-popping mix of annuals and perennials. Keep in mind that some perennials take a while to establish from seed. Species were chosen for diversity in color, bloom time, seedling vigor, and available research on pollinator visitation. Mix includes 17 species of flowers. For best results, sow 1/4” deep in a well-prepared seed bed in spring or fall and keep moist during establishment. Occasional irrigation will extend the bloom and improve establishment if sown in dry conditions. One pound will cover 2000-4000 square feet."